Administrative Review Council

The Scope of Judicial Review

Discussion Paper



How to make comments and submissions


You are invited to make comments and submissions in response to this discussion paper.  These should be sent to:


The Executive Director

Administrative Review Council

Robert Garran Offices

National Circuit



Phone: (02) 6250 5800

Facsimile: (02) 6250 5980




Closing date: 4 July 2003


It would be helpful if comments addressed specific discussion points or paragraphs in the discussion paper.




If you want your submission, or any part of it, to be treated as confidential, please indicate this clearly.  A request for access to a submission marked 'confidential' will be determined in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).


The Council may include in its final guideline report on this project, a list of submissions received in response to this discussion paper.  It may also refer to those submissions in the text of the report and other Council publications.  If you do not wish your submission or any part of it to be used in any of these ways, please indicate this clearly.


© Commonwealth of Australia 2003


This work is copyright.  Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission.


ISBN:  0 642 211779

Cover designed by the Attorney-General’s Department.

Administrative Review Council


The members of the Administrative Review Council are:


Wayne Martin QC (President)

Justice Garry Downes AM

Ron McLeod AM[1]

Professor David Weisbrot

Bill Blick PSM

Christine Charles

Robert Cornall

Professor Robin Creyke

Stephen Gageler SC

Patricia Ridley



The Council acknowledges the contribution to this project of the Scope of Judicial Review sub-committee: Stephen Gageler SC (Chair), Professor Robin Creyke and Wayne Martin QC.  Justice Garry Downes AM was an observer on the sub-committee. 


The Council also acknowledges the particular contribution of Margaret Harrison-Smith, Acting Executive Director, Administrative Review Council Secretariat to the development of the discussion paper.


[1] Ron McLeod AM was an ex officio member of the Council until 18 February 2003.